Personal Finance FIIT Money Master Class
Your journey to financiasl freedom awaits you...
We help ordinary entrepreneurs and 9-5ers, who are tired of their financial restrictions, become EXTRAORDINARY!
We've been busy partnering and transforming lives
Enjoy the following benefits from this training program
Give yourself a raise without increasing your work hours or your work load. You will start to see commas on all of your bank statements and have money at your disposal!
You will have the freedom to buy what you want, when you want with little to no interest.
You will drive that new whip right off the car lot with no money down!
Have you spent over $50,000 in student loans obtaining your degree, just to graduate without knowing how to really make money? We'll teach you everything they didn't and more!
Create a plan that makes it possible to achieve what you thought was impossible: total mastery of your money.
You will never be the same. You will have the FIIT perspective on your finances and be transformed into a Money Master!
Your money will start working for you, so you can live a life that makes the most of your passion and God-given talent
You will feel, talk and walk like a REAL Boss. Don't "act" like a boss, be one!
Talaya Scott
Here's what you will learn
START HERE: Please read this first
About Talaya (Your Money Master Coach)
A message from the instructor-- Talaya Scott
How to use this course
What is Money (PowerPoint)
Money Defined
Focus of Currency- Money Flow
Federal Reserve (The Controller of Money)
Your Money- Revenue Streams
Check your knowledge
Managing Money the FIIT Way (PowerPoint)
Money Master Template
Your Money-Goals
National Salary Statistics
Nine Types of Spenders
Assessing Your Spender Type (Worksheet demonstration)
Setting Your Financial Goals (Worksheet demonstration)
Assessing Your Networth (Worksheet demostration)
Necessity list
Creating Your Necessity List (Worksheet demonstration)
Creating Your Budget (Worksheet Demonstration)
Using Your Financial Plan With Online Banking
Managing money the FIIT way collaborative session
Credit Management (PowerPoint)
Credit Resources
What is credit?
Credit Score vs. Credit Report
Reading Your Credit Report
Credit Risk
5 Components of Credit
Credit Card Management
Reading a credit card statement
Restoring your credit
Check your knowledge
Saving to Invest ppt
Creating Your saving goals
Importance of Saving
How to Begin
Introduction to Investing
Investment options
Check your Knowledge
Borrowing Basics ppt
Borrowing Successfully
Understanding Loan Types
Understanding Loan Terms & Conditions
Borrowing: Application Process
Proper Loan Use
Loan Maintenance
Check your knowledge
Post Assessment
Congratulations Money Master!
More resources for you